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Everytime I try to kill a chicken right outside your camp I get an error message o.o

Hi Caernok,

Thanks for the feedback! Could you please provide a picture of the error message, either here or posted in our discord?

Game seems interesting but can't get through the tutorial without it freezing up/gliltching during either dialogue or combat.  Screen will freeze, some sound effects will continue as if things are happening, but not clear if the game is advancing... only way around it seems to be to exit the game and restart.

Hi arkenian,

Thanks so much for your feedback!

Issues such as the visuals freezing while the rest of the game is still running can occur when something is interfering with the render pipeline of the engine.

In many cases, this is either from running the game through a remote desktop program, or a virtual machine. Certain forms of overlays such as the NVIDIA or Steam overlay can also cause this issue.

I hope this helps, and if you have any other questions, please feel free to pop in to our discord and ask around!

I cannot seem to find Alan's Pack.. i killed the thief and all but there just seems to be no supplies.. am just not seeing them or may this be a bug?

Hey jussto!

We just recently released a hotfix yesterday that patched a number of issues including a few related to the quest with Alan’s Pack - if you download the new version and extract it over the top of your existing version then with any luck this bug should be remedied!

If you have any further issues, please feel free to hop into our Discord and say hi!

fun game so far but i wish there was a map or something with the main story objectives. I keep getting lost for a couple hours every other quest. currently cannot seem to find the cave of io

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Hi catorte!

We’re so glad to hear you’re having fun with the game!

Many quests in the game will give brief directions towards their objectives in the Quest Journal, accessible from the pause menu.

In the event that you have already checked the journal but are still unable to find the cave, here is a (minor spoiler!) hint:

Explore the Felodrift Northlands, and towards the west you can climb to a hidden pond, near a Dryad.

Hope this helps, and feel free to pop in to our Discord if you have any other questions!


Hello again! I swear I'm normally not this bad at rpgs but I appear to be stuck again lol. I've entered the io catacombs and I've solved the flame puzzle in the first room as well as pushed the tablet in the other stone room, but I've been wandering around underground for an hour an cannot seem to find where to go. I've found the cave entrance to another part but the path is blocked off by a statue. Did i miss something? Or is this a bug?


Hey there catorte!

Thanks for reporting this issue, I loaded the test environment and tried toggling all of the flags and it turns out depending on what order things were done, there is a possible way to soft brick the puzzle states.

Thanks so much for letting us know, we may never have found this on our own. I’ve created a hotfix that should catch all regardless of completion order, I’ll upload that right now -

Thanks again, we really appreciate your help and support!

It's a fun game, love the art and the characters, the battling is easy to get used to as well. My only major issue with the game is that (albeit it may just be me) it's way too easy to get lost wondering around, and the skill checks. I've spent around 45 minutes just on one in the mansion where the butlers lock you in the room. It unfortunately, to my shame, made me rage quit, which I don't do often. But if you're willing to look past that, or hopefully find a way that I was oblivious too, then this game is worth it.

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Hi BloodMoon090,

We’re so glad to hear you enjoyed the game!

Inside the Maison du Oufrei, there are several ways to pass through the rooms, some including skill checks, and others involving hidden mechanisms or objects.

If you’re stuck and can’t proceed forward, remember to check around the rooms you have already unlocked for anything that seems conspicuous!

Thanks for your comment, and thanks for supporting us!

I keep getting stuck on quests, is there a guide or a walk thru anywhere?

Hi Etym,

We’re sorry to hear about that!

Originally if people were getting stuck, we were responding on the forums - but the forums could be a bit difficult to find.

If you’re having any issues, please feel free to contact us in our Discord and we’ll be happy to help!

how long is gameplay?


Hi donii00x!

The playtime of the game currently widely depends on how many side-quests and activities the player completes, but based on most player’s experience, it wouldn’t possible to beat the game in less than four to five hours.

This is a very generous estimate of just following the primary story, without doing any companion, quest hub or side questing content.

Hope this helps!